Hitty's Birthday!

(Swap 1 of 52 for 2011)


January 22, 1820--January 22, 2010
191 Years Old!

"Some people believe that the original Hitty dates from around the 1820s or 30s,
based on the idea that she was 100 years old when purchased by Lathrop and Field.
Others, however, based on her hairstyle, are more likely to place her making at around 1860.
With an original piece of artwork, it is impossible to say."--quoted from the Hittygirls FAQ Page.

Must be a member of Yahoo Hittygirls group
have met all previous swap commitments to play.

You must include your full name, address, telephone number, and email.
If you sign up without this info, you will not be able to play.

Please Note: We do not collect or distribute your personal information,
except to the Swap Leader and your Swap Partner.

This swap will be a brand new dress for Hitty's Birthday, plus one small gift!!  The dress can be any style you choose and the gift can be anything from Hitty's favorite candies, books, shawl, etc. 

This is a 'complete the swap and get a partner. 


Mail by January 14, 2011 in time for Hitty's Birthday!!


Your Swap Leader is Julie Old Crow. E-mail her with any questions.

We all want to see pictures, so, if possible, please take a picture and add to the January swap album.  This is not a requirement, but you know how we all love pictures!!

Mary-K to JOC

Sylvia to Jenny

JOC to MK Workman

Maria to Pauline

Ashley to Sylvia

Pauline to Maria

Sylvia to Ashley

Dawn to Holly

Jenny to Sylvia C.