Hittygirls Traditional Hitty Bitty Swap Must be a member
of Yahoo Hittygirls group You must
include your full name, address, and email. Sign-ups start now, and end on January 31st. Closed Your Swap Leader is Sara Swap Partners
Welcome, Hittygirls! Winter 2006 Theme: A Traditional Hitty Bitty For this year's swap, a 'Bitty' is defined as a jointed, all-wood Hitty-style doll between 3 and 4.5 inches tall, of any wood. This year's "Traditional Hitty" Bitty should have these typical Hitty features: black, Hitty-type hair, black boots, white stockings, red garters, and a beaded necklace. (Seed beads work great!) Hitty Bitty's necklace can be any color or type of beads, and Hitty Bitty does not have to be dressed. Your Hitty Bitty may have a wood-grained, varnished, or a fully-painted surface. She may be elastic, wire, or peg jointed. Our work period is six weeks. Of course, you may start as soon as you sign up! A wooden doll swap is a serious commitment, so please be sure you can create a Bitty in the allotted time. Please feel free to send questions to Sara or talk to the group about Bitty carving if you want to learn more. We recommend www.tcvdolls.com from artist TC Vollum for a fantastic Bitty tutorial including instructions for a bitty blank and carving.