Hittygirls Candy Swap Must be a member
of Yahoo Hittygirls group CLOSED Swaps must be mailed by August 20th Send a container of candy – can be a jar, a box, a plate, a dish, or a paper bag (as one would carry home from a candy shop) - as long as they are Hitty sized. Fill with candy made from fimo, shrinky dink, or other suitable material. Candy can be loose in container, or wrapped (candy bars or gum wrappers). Candy has been made in an endless variety of types over the years. All of us who love candy are probably expert at finding modern sources, but if you’d prefer old fashioned kinds, your library may have a copy of a book like Candy – the sweet history by Beth Kimmerle which has great photos. Candy and wrapper ideas can be also found at various websites for candy companies – look in their historical section, or simply google under candy history. Send the candy to your swap partner and post a photo
of the candy you receive in return.