Hittygirls First Ever Halloween Stocking Swap! Must be a member
of Yahoo Hittygirls group You must
include your full name, address, telephone number,
and email. Can't use this form? Deadline to sign up and to let
me know you have finished--October 10. This Swap is a Complete Item
first and then Get Partner swap It's Fall, and Halloween is just
around the corner!!! It's time for wonderful Fall stews, apple and pumpkin
pies, raking leaves, and a First-Ever Halloween stocking swap!! I know
it sounds weird, but it's HALLOWEEN!!! Our Hitties want to start a, hopefully,
annual tradition!! It's time to get creative and make up a wonderful little
stocking, similar to the size of a Hitty Christmas stocking, and fill
it with Halloweeny goodies! Items should fit into the stocking; however,
we will be flexible (as this is Halloween) and if you choose to, you can
add one or two larger items, for example, a piece of Halloween material,
or a larger Hitty-size decoration, or maybe a candy basket or Trick-or-Treat
bag that wouldn't fit into the stocking. The Hittygirl members are so
creative that I'm positive there will be many wonderful items in these
stockings. Stockings can be made or purchased, but should be Hitty sized.