Hittygirls 1st Advanced Apron Swap
Please read the Advanced Requirements before signing up. Must be a member of Yahoo Hittygirls
group You must
include your full name, address, telephone number,
and email. This is a 'complete the swap and get a partner on the due date' swap. Closed Your
Swap Leader is Julie Old Crow click the link to sign up or ask any
questions. In this swap you will make one apron, with no extras. 1. The apron must be made of batiste, lawn, or vintage hankie. No other fabrics. 2. All hems must be finished off. 3. Ties must be either silk ribbon or above mentioned fabric. No 1/4" satin ribbon, please. 4. You may make either a waist-tie apron or a pinny-type apron. 5. Trims must be in scale, delicate, and appropriate to the apron. 6. You may embroider or use other delicate embellishments.