Roseanne's Crocheted Purse and Pinny

(c) 2004 Roseanne Rich
Please note: this pattern is provided for personal use only, and is protected under copyright laws.


Hitty Crochet Pinafore

Size 20 Cebelia crochet thread
Size 7 and 5 steel crochet hooks

Bodice: with size 7 hook
Row 1: ch 49, sc in ea st across (48 sc) turn
Row 2: *sc in first 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc*, repeat from * to * across, (60 sc) turn
Row 3: sc in ea sc across, turn
Row 4: sc in fisrt 7 sc, ch 10, sk 16 sc, sc in next 14 sc, ch 10, sk 16 sc, sc in last 7 sc, turn
Row 5: sc in first 7 sc,sc in ea ch of ch 10, sc in next 14 sc, sc in ea ch of ch 10, sc in ea of last 7 sc
(48 sc), turn
Row 6-8: sc in ea st across, at end of row 8 ch 4 , turn
Row 9: (Beading row) sk first sc, dc in next sc, *ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc* repeat from * to* across,
(24 dc posts and 1 ch 4 post.) ch4, turn
Skirt:: Note: V st= dc, ch 2, dc Shell= 2dc, ch2, 2 dc
Row 1: work dc in first post, work V st in each post across (25 V sts) ch 3, turn
Row 2: (dc, ch 2 , 2 dc) in first V st, V st in next V st,* shell in next v st, V st in next V st*, repeat from * to *
end shell in last V st (13 shells, 12 V st) ch 1, turn
Row 3: sl to first ch 2 sp, ch 3, dc ch 2 2 dc in ch 2 sp, work one shell in ea ch 2 sp across (25 shells) ch 1
Row 4-6 repeat row 3 (25 shells)
Change to size 5 hook
Row 7-11: repeat row 3.
Now, working up the back side of the pinafore, with the right side facing you, 3 sc around post of ea end dc of each row, up to beading row, work 2 sc around post of beading row, sc in end of ea row of bodice up to neck edge. Sl st in ea st across neck edge,ch 5 for button loop and sc in next row and ea row of bodice down to beading row, 2 sc around post of beading row, 3 sc in end dc of ea row down to bottom.
Now work across bottom of skirt, sc in ea of first 2 dc of first shell, (sc, ch 2 sc) in ch 2 spaceof shell, *sc in
Next 4 dc, (sc, ch2, sc) in next ch 2 space* repeat from * to * across, end sc in last 2 dc of last shell, join to first sc of side and end off. Weave ends in.
Shoulder ruffles:
With front side of pinafore facing you, attach thread on last sl st of underarm, and with size 7 hook, sc in same space. In 2nd st of shoulder sts, make shell of (2 dc, ch2, 2 dc),* sk 2 sts, shell in next st, repeat from * to * across shoulder sts (5 shells) sl st in ea ch of underarm, sc in first 2 dc of first shell (sc, ch 2, sc in ch 2 sp of shell, *sc in next 4 dc (sc, ch 2 sc) in ch 2 sp, repeat from * across shells of shoulder, end sl st in first sl st of underarm. End off. Run thread ends in.
Do second shoulder ruffle the same way.
Sew button to back bodice opposite thread loop. Run ribbon through beading row and tie in bow at the back.

Hitty Purse

Size 30 thread (Cebelia)
Size 10 steel hook

Round 1: ch 4, join to form a circle,12 sc in circle, join to first sc
Round 2: ch 3, dc in same space, 2 dc in ea st around (24dc) join
Round 3: ch 3, dc in ea st around, join (24 dc)
Round 4: repeat round 3
Round 5: repeat round 3
Round 6: ch 3, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc, ch 1,* sk 1 dc, dc in next dc*, repeat from *to*
Around, ending ch 1, join to first dc
Round 7: ch 3, dc in ea dc and ch 1 around. join
Round 8: ch 20, sl st in 10th dc, sl st in next 2 dc, ch 20, sl st in 22nd dc, sl st in last
2 dc and join..end off. Run in thread ends, stuff purse with a cotton ball
and lace tiny ribbon through beading row(round 6) tie in tiny bow.

You can also use size 20 thread and a size 8 hook for a slightly larger purse.