Helen's Chalkboard Project

Chalk board directions


Measure a piece of cardboard to the size of your choice. (Mine measures 4 x 8  ½  inches with a 9 ¾  inch extended base.)  When you cut the base of the cardboard, extend the bottom ½ inch on each side. This creates the base of the chalk board. (Refer to my picture). Cut a piece of black construction paper slightly smaller than the cardboard. Center the paper and paste it to the cardboard. (Mine measures 3 x 8 inches). This makes a frame look, then you take a fine tip brown marker to create  wood grain lines around the frame. Then color it with a slightly lighter brown marker. To divide the board cut strips of color paper with decorative scissors.

See  red strips in the picture, mine measure  3 x ¼ inches. To create your chalkboard message use a fine tip paint brush and white acrylic paint. Leave space at the bottom of the board to pain chalk and eraser on the bottom of the blackboard.