Anne and Mollie
Present their latest creations!
Bear Skin Rug:
You need one 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" square of fake fur or rug fabric.
1. Print out pattern, and cut it out.
2. On the wrong side of the fur or fabric piece, trace the pattern.
3. Cut out the traced pattern. Put it in front of Hitty's bed.
4. You might need to pull any 'loose' hair along the edge of the rug.
out and cut out bear pattern.
Velvet Cape:
You will need one 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" square of velvet or cape fabric.
1. Print out pattern and cut it out.
2. On the wrong side of the cape fabric, trace the pattern.
3. Cut out the traced pattern.
4. If you want to, you can glue on a ribbon or flower.