Spring Sweater for Miss Hickory
This sweater was created for the Wiregrass Hitties’ Miss Hickory. She is taller than most, I believe, of the Miss Hickorys born this year, standing 7.5 inches tall. She is also quite curvaceous, with both bust-line and hips at 3.5 inches and a waistline of approximately 2 inches. Her arms and shoulders are articulated, making it easier to dress and undress her.
Begin: With size 0 needles cast on 21 stitches. Knit in 1 x 1 rib for two rows; that is Knit 1, purl 1, and then on row 2, purl one, knit one. Change to size 1 needles and knit for 8 rows in stockinet stitch. Forming the back opening: following these instructions, you will be knitting both sides of the back at the same time. Row 9: Knit 11. Join in new yarn and continue knitting across row. Row 10. Purl 10. Turn work and cast on 2 stitches. Turn work back to purl side, pick up the other yarn and knit across row. Rows11/12: Work two rows in stockinet. Row 13: Buttonhole row. Knit across left side.
On the right side of the back, Row 14: Purl back across row.
Forming the sleeves: Row 15: Cast on 5. Knit across row. Row16: Cast on 5. Purl across row. Rows 17/18: Work 2 rows in stockinet. Rows 19/20: As rows 13/14. Knit and purl another
Rows 21-24: Continue in stockinet. Rows 25/26: As rows 13/14. Knit and purl a buttonhole row. Row 27: Knit 11, cast off remaining 5 stitches
and cut yarn. Row 28: Purl across the 11 stitches. Rows 29/30: Continue in stockinet. Working the front: Rows 31-34: Continue in stockinet. Rows 35/36: Knit 9 stitches. Increase 1 (knit
in front and back) in second stitch from end of right side front. On left
side front, knit 1, increase 1, knit to end of row. Rows 37/38: Knit to edge (12 st.), turn and cast on 7 st. , re-join to the other side and knit across. Purl back. Rows 39/40: Knit and purl across Row 41: Cast off 5. Knit across. Rows 43-53: Continue in stockinet. Row 54: Switch to smaller needles to purl across. Next: K1 P1 rib for 2 rows. Bind off in pattern. Finishing the sleeves: Using smaller needles and with right side facing, pick up between 13-15 stitches along sleeve edge and K1 P1 rib for two rows. Bind off in pattern. Repeat for other sleeve. Finishing the neck: Using the smaller needles and with right side facing, pick up at least 27 stitches evenly around the neckline. K1 P1 rib for 1 row. On the next row, K1P1 rib to last 3 stitches, yo, K2tog, K1; forming fourth buttonhole. Bind off in rib pattern. Finishing the sweater: Darn in all loose tails, saving the first and last for seaming the side seams and also the tail at the neckline. Carefully block sweater with a pressing cloth and steam. Seam the sides and darn in the tails. Add 4 tiny buttons to the back.