Chapter Six Synopsis of Discussion
Week of August 12, 2007
Chapter 6 – Barn News
How interesting that Miss Hickory doesn't even appear until the last page or
so of the chapter! And she sure isn't very pleasant. I wonder why the author
felt the need to write this chapter? It seems like it should be in another book--although
it is very pleasant. I would have had her choose the apple tree Miss Hickory
was nesting in I think!
That chapter threw me too. It seemed like a story within a story, but
that device isn't used elsewhere in the book so it seems out of place. It's
not something that Miss Hickory ever becomes involved in. I doubt modern publishers
would include it. I've been rereading some English adventure books I used to
love as a girl - they're actually quite badly constructed in terms of introducing
characters, flow etc.
Yes, I did notice that sort of thing in other old books--I wonder when it became the style to write for children? Maybe this was still the 'infancy' of it.
Miss Hickory seems to lurch sometimes, storywise--especially when you
compare it to other books written in the same time period.
Poor Miss Hickory. Much as she enjoys her nest in the apple tree, she is terrified at the same time of Squirrel coming after her head. She can’t get a decent night’s sleep. Then Mr. T. Willard-Brown appears over the edge of her nest and terrifies her even more. Strange she didn’t go with him to see Cow. This was kind of a weird chapter.