Chapter Synopsis
Memoirs of a London Doll
March 16, 2009
Chapter 12: Punch and Judy
After the fire, Maria is cleaned up and repainted by the portrait painter, Mr. Johnson. He presents the doll to Mary Hope and informs her that the doll's name is Maria Poppet as evidenced by the gold bracelet attached to her arm. He has no clothes for Maria but puts a bit of green baize around her and an old silver cord to keep it on. Maria spent a pleasant week with Mary. The days passed very pleasantly as Mary read books to her Aunt and proceeded to make some new clothes for Maria.
One day after a rainy week, Mary’s aunt decided they should go out to an Exhibit of Pictures, or the Diorama in Regent’s Park, the Panorama in Leicester square, or the British Museum. Mary chose the British Museum. However, while on their way, the coach was unable to proceed because of a huge crowd assembled in the street for a Punch and Judy show. Since the coach could not move, Mary Hope and her aunt watched the show from the coach. Mr. Punch was behaving naughty and was upset with his child and declared he would toss her out the window, which he did, right into the crowd. Everyone started scrambling and there was much confusion. Neptune, the big Newfoundland dog which had accompanied Mary Hope and her aunt, jumped up and look out the window. That caused the crowd to laugh louder and make more noise. Neptune began to bark and throw himself about the coach and accidentally hit Mary’s shoulder with such a jerk that Maria was knocked right out of her hands and into the crowd. Neptune jumped out to save her but to no avail. He picked up by mistake the child of Mr. Punch and carried her back to the carriage, while a man picked up Maria and presented her to Mr. Punch.
Well, it doesn't take Mary Hope very long to lose Maria. Not that she
intended to. It was quite by accident. This book is reminding me more and more
of Hitty in that Maria is moving from one home to another. I feel bad for little
Mary Hope. I think she really loved Maria and would have made a good mamma.