4. Create a Haiku

Marvelous Mother
of Hitty fun so galore.
 Crowing and blushing.

Becky J.


Small Wooden Girl Doll
Your needs are bigger than mine
Here: my debit card



Happiness, Flower
Two dolls find a new hom
Welcome with quiet

Becky J.



Work in Progress Day
Paper, glue,needle and yarn
No tidy house here!

Denise H.


Gluey Fingertips
Toothpick stuck to my jeans
I think I need wine



Ancient tree fallen
Great cycle of renewing -
One small shoot springs up

Bracken fronds unfurl
Spring breeze through birch leaves ruffles -
Chaffinch sweetly sings

The Bard's rustic seat
Enkianthus bells catch light -
Peace invades my heart

Sitting in Wordsworth's garden
Spring breeze -
Hittys think of Mujo

Mujo = Transitory life (everything changes)

Wooden Doll She Lives
Heart of Gold for all to Love
Friendship shows from eyes
Denise M

Corny are my puns.
Pass the butter please.
Hittys embarrassed. 
