In Which We Discuss Hitty: Her First Hundred
Written by Rachel Field, illustrated by Dorothy Lathrop
Hitty Moon and her new model of the Diana Kate.
Comments on
Various Subjects from our Hittygirls Members
#1 In Which I Begin My Memoirs
Create Phoebe's fur muff and tippit
#2 In Which I Go Up In the World and am Glad to Come Down Again
Make a Hitty-scaled Sling-shot
#3 In Which I Travel--By Land and Sea
Make a knitting basket for Hitty.
#4 In Which We Go To Sea
Make a Rope Hammock for Hitty.
#5 In Which We Strike Our First and Last Whales
Find a vintage whale print online, print it out Hitty-scale, and frame it.
#6 In Which I Join the Fishes and Rejoin the Prebles
Make Hitty an Island Feast with "...fruits of various sorts....and coconuts."
#7 In Which I Learn the Ways of Gods, Natives, and Monkeys
Make a Hitty bonnet to replace Mrs. Preble's sacrificed beaver bonnet.
#8 In Which I Am Lost In India
Make a coral necklace for Hitty from '..round, red coral beads."
#9 In Which I Have Another Child to Play With Me
Make a shawl from a scrap of fabric, just like Little Thankful made from a scrap of her sash.
#10 In Which I Am Rescued and Hear Adelina Patti
Make a brown cape and hood, like the one Clarissa Pryce lost at the concert.
#11 In Which I Sit for My Daguerreotype and Meet a Poet
Create A daguerreotype of your Hitty.
#12 In Which I Go Into Camphor, Reach New York, and Become a Doll of
Create a Hitty-sized copy of the book Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens
#13 In Which I Spend a Disastrous New Year's and Return to New England
Make Hitty an apron like Mrs. Brackett's apron.
#14 In Which I End My Hay-Days and Begin a New Profession
Create a Miniature bouquet of white flowers in a lace-paper holder.
#15 In Which I learn Much of Plantations, Post Offices, and Pin
Take a Picture of Your Hitty as a pincushion, like the one the Ticket Agent's Wife created.
#16 In Which I Return to Familiar Scenes
#17 In Which I am Sold at Auction
Create a Hitty-scaled bead bag, as carried by the rival bidder.
Final Remarks Section